' ============================================================== ' 
' QSHFileOperation component - version 1 January 2002 ' 
' Marcin Szafran ' 
' Implemented API SHFileOperation function. ' 
' Allows copy, rename, delete and move files and folders ' 
' with wildcard and recursivly... and much more! ' 
' Thanks for Jacques Philippe for his help ' 
' ============================================================== ' 
'= QSHFileOperation methods description ================== 

'--- Copying --- 
' .CopyEx: Copying with extended attributes 
' .Copy: Simple copying 
' Usage ObjName.CopyEx(ExistingFileName(s),SourceFileName(s),flags,handle) 
' ObjName.Copy(ExistingFileName(s),SourceFileName(s)) 
' RQ keyword: - (none) 

'--- Moving and Renaming --- 
' .MoveEx: Moving with extended attributes 
' .Move: Simple moving 
' .RenameEx: Renaming with extended attributes 
' .Rename: Simple renaming 
' Usage ObjName.MoveEx(ExistingFileName(s),SourceFileName(s),flags,handle) 
' ObjName.Move(ExistingFileName(s),SourceFileName(s)) 
' ObjName.RenameEx(ExistingFileName(s),SourceFileName(s),flags,handle) 
' ObjName.Rename(ExistingFileName(s),SourceFileName(s)) 
' RQ keyword: RENAME (does not work with dirs) 

'--- Deleting --- 
' .DeleteEx: Deleting with deleting confirmation on/off and other extended attributes - enables delete to Recycle Bin 
' .Delete: Simple deleting with deleting confirmation on/off - enables delete to Recycle Bin 
' Usage ObjName.DeleteEx(FileName(s),to_Bin_on/off,confirm_on/off,flags,handle) 
' ObjName.Delete(FileName(s),to_Bin_on/off,confirm_on/off) 
' RQ keyword: KILL (does not work with dirs) 

'= QSHFileOperation properties description =============== 

' .DefaultFlagsEx: Setting default flags for methods with extended attributes (.MethodNameEx) - now = 0 
' .DefaultFlags: Setting default flags for simple methods (.MethodName) 

' I hope that parameters names are clear 

Function CopyEx (dSHfoFrom As String, dSHfoTo As String, _
SHfoFlags As Integer, SHfoHandle As Long) As Long

Function Copy (dSHfoFrom As String, dSHfoTo As String) As Long

Function MoveEx (dSHfoFrom As String, dSHfoTo As String, _
SHfoFlags As Integer, SHfoHandle As Long) As Long

Function Move (dSHfoFrom As String, dSHfoTo As String) As Long

Function RenameEx (dSHfoFrom As String, dSHfoTo As String, _
SHfoFlags As Integer, SHfoHandle As Long) As Long

Function Rename (dSHfoFrom As String, dSHfoTo As String) As Long

Function DeleteEx (dSHfoFrom As String, SHfoToBin As Integer, SHConfirm As Integer, _
SHfoFlags As Integer, SHfoHandle As Long) As Long

Function Delete (dSHfoFrom As String, SHfoToBin As Integer, SHConfirm As Integer) As Long

'= CONSTANTS ============================================= 

'--- Operations --- 

Const foMove = &H1 ' Move the files specified in pFrom to the location specified in pTo 

Const foCopy = &H2 ' Copy the files specified in the pFrom member to the location specified in the pTo member  

Const foDelete = &H3 ' Delete the files specified in pFrom 

Const foRename = &H4 ' Rename the file specified in pFrom. You cannot use this  
'flag to rename multiple files with a single function call. Use FO_MOVE instead 

'--- Flags - should be set with OR operator if used more than one --- 
'--- Constants names were changed to RapidQ kind -------------------- 

Const fofAllowUndo = &H40 ' Preserve Undo information, if possible. If pFrom  
'does not contain fully qualified path and file names, this flag is ignored 

Const fofConfirmMouse = &H2 ' Not currently used 

Const fofFilesOnly = &H80 ' Perform the operation on files only if a wildcard  
'file name (*.*) is specified 

Const fofMultiDestFiles = &H1 ' The pTo member specifies multiple destination  
'files (one for each source file) rather than one directory where all source  
'files are to be depos 

Const fofNoConnectedElements = &H2000 ' Do not move connected files as a group.  
'Only move the specified files 

Const fofNoConfirmation = &H10 ' Respond with Yes to All for any dialog box that is displayed 
Const fofNoConfirmMkDir = &H200 ' Do not confirm the creation of a new directory if the operation requires one to be created 
Const fofNoCopySecurityAttribs = &H800 ' Do not copy the security attributes of the file 
Const fofNoErrorUI = &H400 ' Do not display a user interface if an error occurs 
'Const fof_RecurseReparse = ' Recurse into reparse points. The default is to not recurse 
'Const fof_NoRecurseReparse = ' Treat reparse points as objects, not containers.  
'You must set _WIN32_WINNT to 5.01 or later to use this flag 

Const fofNoRecursion = &H1000 ' Only operate in the local directory. Don't operate recursively into subdirectories 

Const fofRenameOnCollision = &H8 ' Give the file being operated on a new name in  
'a move, copy, or rename operation if a file with the target name already exists 

Const fofSilent = &H4 ' Do not display a progress dialog box 

Const fofSimpleProgress = &H100 ' Display a progress dialog box but do not show the file names 
'Const fofWantMappingHandle = &H20 ' If FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION is specified and  
'any files were renamed, assign a name mapping object containing their old and new names to the hNameMappings member 

Const fofWantNukeWarning = &H4000 ' Send a warning if a file is being destroyed  
'during a delete operation rather than recycled. This flag partially overrides FOF_NOCONFIRMATION 

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